Library's Feedback questionnaire

Dear Students,

Please fill out the questionnaire (Link) to get the library's feedback and send it back on or before February 25, 2025.


Thank you.

P M Ayomi
Senior Assistant Librarian
Faculty of Indigenous Medicine
University of Colombo

Application form to use the Library on Sundays

The library of the Institute of Indigenous Medicine will be provided the Library Facility to the Students on Sundays. Those who willing to use the library fill the following form and be registered immediately.

Application Form


Mrs. P. M. Ayomi
Senior Assistant Librarian


Notice : Application form to use the library – 2012/13 Batch

Special Notice

The library of the Institute of Indigenous Medicine will be provided the Reference Facility to the Level V Students from 22nd June 2020. Those who willing to use the library fill the following form and be registered immediately.

Application Form

Dr. (Mrs.) C. K. Gamage
Senior Assistant Librarian (Grade I)

Notice For Students about Allocation of Library
Click here:List of Library time allocation for students
Students who were registered to use the library from 22nd of June 2020 have been divided into two groups. Kindly requested from students to use  during the time slots that have been allocated to them.
Thank you.
Dr.(Mrs.) C.K. Gamage
Senior Assistant Librarian (Grade I)